Integrated installation Setup

Setup by Helm

You can easily install a K2HR3 system in a kubernetes environment by using K2HR3 Helm Chart.

K2HR3 Helm Chart is one of Helm Chart for installing a K2HR3 system using Helm(The package manager for Kubernetes) in a kubernetes environment.

K2HR3 Helm Chart is one of Helm Chart used by Helm (The package manager for Kubernetes).
K2HR3 Helm Chart is published as a Chart repository at K2HR3 Helm Chart repository and Artifact Hub.

You can install a K2HR3 system easily, by using the Helm command and loading the K2HR3 Helm Chart published in Artifact Hub as a repository.

The source code of K2HR3 Helm Chart is published in k2hr3_helm_chart -Github.  


This page describes how to install a K2HR3 system from K2HR3 Helm Chart using the Helm command.

About kubernetes environment

At first, prepare or use the kubernetes cluster as the environment for installing the K2HR3 system.
If you don’t have a kubernetes cluster available, you can also use minikube to prepare your kubernetes environment.

Preparing the Helm

To use K2HR3 Helm Chart, you need Helm (The package manager for Kubernetes).

K2HR3 Helm Chart is compatible with Helm3(version 3), but Helm2 is not supported.

First, install Helm.
See Helm Installation for the exact installation method.

Install Helm on the host as follows:

$ curl | bash

After installation, try to run the version option etc. and check whichever the installation is succeed.

$ helm version
  version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.7.1", GitCommit:"1d11fcb5d3f3bf00dbe6fe31b8412839a96b3dc4", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.9"}

Repository registration

From Artifact Hub(Helm Hub), find K2HR3 Helm Chart and register that Chart repository as the local repository.

$ helm search hub k2hr3
  URL                                               CHART VERSION  APP VERSION  DESCRIPTION  1.0.0          1.0.0        K2HR3 Helm Chart - K2HR3(K2Hdkc based Resource ...

From the above results, check page.
There is a INSTALL link on the left side of this page, click on it to copy the example command and run it.

$ helm repo add k2hr3
  "k2hr3" has been added to your repositories

This completes the repository registration.

Install K2HR3 Helm Chart

Install(build) the K2HR3 system in the kubernetes environment using the registered K2HR3 Helm Chart.

$ helm install my-k2hr3 k2hr3/k2hr3 --version 1.0.0 \
    --set k2hr3.api.extHostname=< host fqdn (ex. > \
    --set< host fqdn (ex. > \
    --set oidc.clientId=< OIDC Client ID >                            \
    --set oidc.clientSecret=< OIDC Client Secret >                    \
    --set oidc.cookieExpire=120                                       \
    --set oidc.cookieName=id_token                                    \
    --set oidc.issuerUrl=< OIDC Issuer URL >

See Usage - Helm Char for the options that you can specify when installing the K2HR3 Helm Chart.

The options specified in the above example are required at installation.

If you are using the minikube, add the following options to the above command and execute.

--set minikube=true

If the above helm install completes successfully, you will see the following NOTES.

  NAME: my-k2hr3
  LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Feb  9 17:51:41 2022
  NAMESPACE: default
  STATUS: deployed
  The my-k2hr3 K2HR3 Cluster for K2HDKC DBaaS has been started.
  Follow the steps below to complete the K2HR3 Cluster setup.
  [1] Check my-k2hr3 K2HR3 Cluster
      At first, check if you have access to the K2HR3 Cluster.
      Please access the following URL after a while after starting.
      K2HR3 API:
        https://< host fqdn (ex. >:31443/
      K2HR3 APP:
        https://< host fqdn (ex. >:32443/
        Since a self-signed certificate is used, a certificate
        exception will occur, so please access accordingly.
  [2] Get K2HR3 Unscoped Token
      After completing the above checks, log in to your K2HR3 Cluster.
      After logging in, select the [Account] -> [About Account]
      menu to display the [Account Information] dialog.
      Make a copy of the [Unscoped Token] in this displayed dialog.
      Use this value when setting up K2HDKC DBaaS.
  Next, use Helm to launch K2HDKC DBaaS.

If you are using the minikube, the above NOTES will have [0] You are using minikube as shown below.

  [0] You are using minikube
      You need to use a browser to access the K2HR3 Cluster running
      inside minikube.
      Therefore, enable socat to forward HTTPS requests as shown
      below.(You can also use something other than socat.)
      socat TCP-LISTEN:32443,fork TCP:$(minikube ip):32443
      socat TCP-LISTEN:31443,fork TCP:$(minikube ip):31443

If you are using the minikube, set the proxy as shown in the following example.
It is because the outside host(or browser) needs to access to the K2HR3 system inside minikube.

$ socat TCP-LISTEN:32443,fork TCP:$(minikube ip):32443 &
$ socat TCP-LISTEN:31443,fork TCP:$(minikube ip):31443 &

The socat is used in the above example, but you can also use another proxy tools.

Test - helm test

After installing K2HR3 Helm Chart, please wait a moment for the K2HR3 system to boot (it maybe 1 or 2 minutes).
After that, you can check whether the installation was completed normally with the following command.

$ helm test my-k2hr3
  NAME: my-k2hr3
  LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Feb  9 17:51:41 2022
  NAMESPACE: default
  STATUS: deployed
  TEST SUITE:     pod-r3-check-my-k2hr3
  Last Started:   Wed Feb  9 18:10:42 2022
  Last Completed: Wed Feb  9 18:10:45 2022
  Phase:          Succeeded

If the K2HR3 system has booted normally, you can use the kubectl command to verify that the pod has booted.

$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  pod-r3api-my-k2hr3-0                  2/2     Running   0          20m
  pod-r3api-my-k2hr3-1                  2/2     Running   0          19m
  pod-r3app-my-k2hr3-5cc8cbf6ff-nqwbw   1/1     Running   0          20m
  pod-r3app-my-k2hr3-5cc8cbf6ff-pgq44   1/1     Running   0          20m
  pod-r3dkc-my-k2hr3-0                  2/2     Running   0          20m
  pod-r3dkc-my-k2hr3-1                  2/2     Running   0          19m

Try to Use

Access the installed K2HR3 system from a browser etc. and check its operation.

The NOTES displayed after installing shows the URLs to the K2HR3 Web Application and the K2HR3 REST API.
You can check the operation by directly accessing these URLs from a browser or the like.

  K2HR3 API:
    https://< host fqdn (ex. >:31443/
  K2HR3 APP:
    https://< host fqdn (ex. >:32443/


The K2HR3 system being installed uses a self-signed certificate.
When accessing with a browser etc., a message such as Insecure access will be displayed.
Please check how to use your browser and avoid it as appropriate.

End a chapter

With the above procedure, you can install a K2HR3 system using the K2HR3 Helm Chart easily.

For how to use the built K2HR3 system, see How to use K2HR3 Web Application and How to use K2HR3 REST API.

Integrated installation Setup